PC: A Piece

Over the past few years the idea of PC culture or political correctness has become near omnipresent in not just American but human society. While there are undoubtedly drawbacks to the extremes of PC culture (as there are to any extreme) and I do think if, unchecked, it could threaten to silence voices of dissent which, to me, is the first step in the death of a free society, I am not confused as to why it is happening.

This isn’t some phenomenon perpetrated by the liberal media, or the New World Order seeking to move the sheep from one pen to another. PC culture is just the extension of ideals into the populace to debate from any segment of that popul. More people than ever are talking more frequently to anyone everywhere. There has been more sharing of cultures in the past 20 years than the preceding 200. The volatile and sometimes vitriolic social media discussions is a by product of these ideas and conversations. The internet is the change, the upheaval that has made the word such a connected place. Thousands talking to millions talking to billions. We are at the peak of literacy, of communication, of being able to understand one another from corner of the globe to the other. We are uniting.

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Lefties Most Hated List

Listen, I understand being left handed is rare. I get that we are weirdos who’s life expectancy is 7 years less. I understand that manufacturer’s aren’t going to take the time and money to change out their machines or process to make left handed products for only 10 percent of the general human population. Shit, I even understand that the idea of being left handed as evil is derived from Zeus cutting off his pop’s head with his left hand in a sweet sneak attack.

That doesn’t mean I don’t rage inside at the various inanimate objects that mock my opposable thumb preference. Doesn’t mean I don’t curse those manufacturers and the right handed world in general in the name of Southpaw’s everywhere. I mean I know you Righties don’t get it but you find out pretty much as soon as you get to organized education that being a lefty is going to be a bitch. I mean as recently as the 1930’s teachers were making left handed kids switch to their right. Now we know that can lead to dyslexia and other learning disabilities because fucking with a 6 and 7 year olds hand eye coordination when they are trying to learn for the first time is of course going to cause some issues.

I’m not here to lament any of that. This is just to raise the left handed war banner high and declare these 5 inanimate objects enemies of the lefty state.

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The following is a transcript of a speech delivered before the Assembly of Shackelton by citizen Elsi Badez on 25.2.2254 in response to the Federated States message sent to Luna two days prior on 23.2.2254. It has not been altered in any way other than the omission of ambient sounds for the preservation in the Shackelton archives. 

Honored citizens of Shackelton, I speak not only to you today but to all of the citizens of Luna. I speak to you in the hopes that you will stop the rumblings of self delusion and romanticism that, at the merest utterance from that world which had forsaken us, seems to have swelled over the past couple days. This is not an address, or a speech, or an appeal as much as it is a call.  A call to use sense. A call not to dishonor the work of your forbears, some who’s memories are still fresh in the minds of those who stand in this very chamber today. It is a call to sever the sentimental ties that are awakening in you the desire to gaze back upon that blue and green wasteland that has kept our minds, our ambitions, and our people anchored for too long. Yes, I speak of that world where mankind spawned. I speak of Earth, of Terra. I speak of that crumbling edifice of civilization that now, when we have lived in the void and the Grey for so long, comes beckoning. For what purpose? To bend us to their cataclysmic and small wars? To chain us to their political games and engulf or tranquil, quiet home in the flames of conflict? Of death? Of ruin?  Continue reading